Wednesday, November 24, 2010

thanksgiving in russia

Felt like absolute death this morning and thus was unable to go to class. Hated myself for about 15 minutes, and then passed out for about 5 hours. Which was apparently much-needed.

And now I am the go-to girl for Thanksgiving information! I (being me) took on the task of organizing the annual Thanksgiving meal that the American students throw for themselves and their professors. And I (being me...) made up a cooking schedule for the different kitchens throughout the day tomorrow, based on what people want to make, how many people they're making it for, and how long it (should) take. With an extra hour thrown in for the people who underestimated the amount of time they'll need.

So all that's posted on my door, along with the $ payback information. Because we all know (Richard people, anyway...) that I'm a beast with receipts. But actually, Jenny, who does accounting with an insurance company, is helping me.

Thus, people have been knocking on the door every 5 minutes. So I've just left it open.

It's a huge mess, but it's been a lot of fun. Tomorrow is going to be an even bigger mess, if that's at all possible. Imagine trying to cook Thanksgiving dinner for 50 people... using 2 dorm kitchens.

... Think about it.

Happy Thanksgiving from Russia!
All my love!!!

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