Monday, November 8, 2010


So I stayed at school after acting and from 6:45-8, I worked on headstands, cartwheels, handstands, somersaults... And I attempted the daunting shoulder stand. Again. And again. And again. A few screams to the empty studio later, I had a thought. I ran back to the green room, grabbed a sheet of paper from my journal and drew what a shoulder stand looks like. I stared at it for a while. I ran back to the studio, and five minutes later, I was standing on my shoulder.

Bizarre and awesome. It's strange-just a matter of remembering my strengths and my weaknesses. I'm a visual person, so I needed to see what it looks like. Somehow, seeing other people balance on their shoulders with their legs in the air didn't help-either because I was just frustrated that everyone could do it and I couldn't, or because seeing other bodies in space isn't seeing my body in space. Different anatomies stand on their shoulders in different ways, which is why no matter how much it was explained to me, no one else could know where my center of balance was.

Hopefully I can do it again tomorrow morning...?

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