Saturday, November 20, 2010

it's friday already?

This week:

Ballet: I get my very own little solo bit within our Spanish dance! And it's less a technical ballet bit and more of an actressy bit, which is perfectly fine with me. Two of the guys (Darren and Donovan) walk across the stage toward each other, then turn away from the audience- I run up, stand between them with a hand on each shoulder, twirl around as they dip me down so I'm facing the audience, bring me back up, I twirl around again. Straighten my arms and use my yoga biceps as I jump up and Darren and Donovan lift me straight up, one on either side. We walk up to the audience, they set me down, I turn and strut back, they follow. And I push one offstage, and then the other. Kind of like this, but different because I'm much much shorter than both Darren and Donovan. (Fun fact: everyone with an Ivanov scene is at least 5'10-11", whereas I'm 5'4".)


Singing: I talked her into giving me a new song!!! I am not singing Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again from Phantom of the Opera. The minute I walked up to sing, I told her that I had a different song in mind. She was in the middle of telling me (rather, the translator was in the middle of telling me) that we wouldn't have enough time to work on it when I tumbled all over myself to say that I started learning the song. And I had-I know the melody backward, forward, and in my sleep. Marina looked doubtful, then the pianist (who is truly lovely) started playing the accompaniment (sans sheet music), and I sang along with most of the lyrics, because I don't have them all down. And Marina agreed.

Maybe it's a totally cheesy song, but when else am I going to be able to truly work on it? And sing it for people?

Stage Combat: He didn't yell at me as much. But he did put his hands around my neck as though he were about to strangle me.

Movement: I'm still having problems with my calves. It's bad, when I'm moving around a lot and jumping (which we do a lot of). But in general, walking around isn't a problem, unless I prompted something earlier in the day. Been wearing my leg warmers while I sleep to keep them warm, but still don't have any idea what's up. Praying that they heal up some over the weekend, but that means that I'll need to slow down some... bleargh. I mentioned the problem to Vlad, and he told me not to over do it, to listen to my body and perhaps there was some ointment or other I could put on them and I could ask Nastia. Then he told me that I've been doing especially well in class the last week or so... Which was cool. Compliments from teachers are always deserved, and never handed out. It was good to know that I earned it.

We've moved on to sitting on shoulders from both behind a person and in front of them, continued working on the Nike pose, and a few other things. My headstand is getting there, and my handstand is getting better. I can stay upside down longer, but not long enough to start walking. Yet. I'll get there.

Acting: Trying to write about this class is next to impossible, which is why it is always the last one I talk about. We're moving quickly through etudes, and will keep working on them, and we're beginning the "beginnings" (setting up the right-before of each scene). Official scene work starts on Monday. Eek.

(Also, Alex R, do you remember the Cherry Orchard directing scene you did? Beginning of Act 3? Jenny (Liuba) and Josh (Petya) are playing the same scene, and have asked me to play Varya. Strange, hm?)

Beyond that, nothing much. It continues to get colder. I'm having to memorize my scene(s), song lyrics, work on movement choreography (we start movement etudes next week, all based on The Lion King), and sleep sometimes.

Oh, and it SNOWED tonight!!!! It rained all day and therefore the snow didn't stick, but I got to walk home in the snow. Which won't be so thrilling later on, so I'm enjoying the charm as much as I can for the time being. The sickness season is beginning, and three people in my group have missed more than one day of class. Darren and Todd had/have bronchitis, and Ariana (roommate) has the worst head cold ever, running a fever... and I'm praying to whatever higher power there is that I don't get sick. Been drinking lots of tea, water, taking extra vitamins, avoiding her as much as possible, etc. Fingers crossed.

And now I'm tired and I'm going to continue watching The Lion King so I can come up with some choreography... So. Tired. Have clean sheets. Super happy about this.

love love


P.S. Also. My sister (older sister, Ashley) is working on her senior thesis, a fashion line of sorts. She just started writing a blog, tracking progress and as a sort of incentive for herself to keep on track. So:

Check it out. It's cool.

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