Wednesday, October 13, 2010


A hilarious story for you about today, composed of a few different parts:

a) It's the 13th of October, and it snowed.
b) I had a meeting with Anatoly Smeliansky, the head of the Moscow Art Theatre School. I was actually in his office, talking to him. Craziness.
c) We went to a production of Uncle Vanya tonight. We were sitting in the back of the balcony, and about halfway into the second act, the sound of snoring... Everyone kind of snickers, waits for it to stop. It doesn't, people start to whisper, and there's a lot of action surrounding one person down close to the front of the balcony. She's seizing, and people are freaking out. The man sitting next to her picks her up and takes her out of the theater after she's finished convulsing, and I leave the theater, too. I manage to communicate the fact that I don't speak Russian, and two of the ladies from the audience switch to English. They translate for me to the other audience members and the usher in charge of the balcony that the woman will be just fine, that I'm epileptic and have seizures and this is completely normal for a person who has just had a seizure. I hang out with her and one other lady who's been translating for me until the EMTs get there. Then I go back into the theater and watch the last five minutes or so of the show.

My life is very strange these days. My own seizure on Sunday, witnessed a seizure today... wondering what's next. Because this is ridiculous.

All my love.

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